Face it, the older the age when our memories tend to increasingly lose sharpness. We begin to forget things, like names of people, forget to put something or we have to do the job. But old does not mean your brain is also becoming increasingly blunt. For brain and memory can always be honed even stay sharp, here are some tips:
Your left brain is working to regulate the ability in reasoning, language, writing, logic and arithmetic. Left-brain memory are short term (short term memory). If there is damage to the left brain, there will be disruption in terms of functions of speech, language and mathematics. To maintain the capacity of your left brain, try to learn a new language or do puzzles games.
Right brain function is to handle the process of human creative thinking. Usual right brain identified about creativity, imagination, shape or space, emotion, music and color. Their memories are long right brain (long term memory). The way it works is not well structured and tend not to think about things that are too detailed. If there is damage to the right brain in diseases such as stroke or brain tumor, then the disturbed brain function is the ability of visual and emotional. To maintain the sharpness of your right brain practice playing a musical instrument, sing or make crafts.
Learning meditation
By doing your meditation can reduce stress, overcome anxiety is excessive, and activate the control centers of the brain for happiness and satisfaction.
Train Memory capacity
You remember as a kid, a lot of things you should know by heart. The sharpness of your memory will increase if you always train memory skills.
Participate in social activities
Having a solid schedule of social activities which are believed to make the brain work more actively and to reduce deterioration of the brain.
In addition to genetic factors, ability and intelligence of a child can be trained and taught in a way to do the activation in the right brain. Generally, the participants who could be taught by several instructors aged between four to 12 years. Next try doing some activities with your eyes closed.
The kids and even then engaged in various activities ranging from reading and guess the number. There also are reading the holy verses of Al-Quran with eyes closed. Not only that, they ride bikes in a zigzag with eyes closed. All were obtained through focused training.
In addition to training the right brain to the brain's ability, motivation is beneficial for children to generate self-potential and positive character in the child. Currently, a number of activities are offered which aim to improve the ability of children with a variety of methods. In addition to that offered a variety of ways, most important, of course, attention and guidance of the parents of the children themselves.
Communities often assess IQ (intelligence quotient) is equated with intelligence or skill. In fact, IQ only measures a fraction of the skill.
"It was a bright child is a child who can react in a logical and useful to what is experienced in the neighborhood," said Eileen Rachman, a psychologist who is also Director of EXPERD, a human resources consultant at the seminar 10 Ways to Sharpen IQ and EQ (emotional quotient) Child , in Jakarta. At the same seminar also launched a book entitled Optimizing Intelligence Child.
Eileen explained that IQ is a number that is used to describe the thinking person's capacity as compared with the average of others. In general, the average IQ was 100.
"IQ is only used among others, imagined space, see the environment around coherently and find the relationship between one form and other forms. But IQ does not measure creativity, social skills, and wisdom, "he said.
Meanwhile, the intelligence of children seen from the understanding and awareness of what they experienced. Later on in his mind, the experience was transformed into words or numbers. Therefore, Eileen emphasizes the importance of understanding. "Because understanding is a combination of efforts to increase the input through the senses and the knowledge they have," explained Eileen.
How to optimize your child's intelligence? Eileen suggested that parents enhance learning, reading, and repeat. For example, to introduce how to read, the mother helps the child by making a line under words that are important, ask your child to read aloud and explain the meaning of reading.
In addition, parents are also introducing the strategy, making rational decisions, sparked the idea as smoothly as possible, midmapping, increase vocabulary, thinking as he imagined, humor, critical thinking, and play. The goal to balance the left and right brain work, because the structure of the left and right brain hemispheres have different tasks.
Why need to balance the left and right brain work? Eileen said that the child can read fluently with full comprehension, creative writing, spelling, remembering, listening, thinking while at the same or become the champion in a particular sport. All it takes left and right brain coordination with both well trained.
But to balance the left and right brain work can also be through customs. Eileen explained, for example by enjoying the music and the arts, enjoying color, space and shape, value creativity and appreciate the sentiment.
Meanwhile, Dr. Andre Meaza said that during early childhood is the golden period to perform an active process through the process of sensory stimulation for the purpose of forming wiring system. "Stages of early life stages of the child are important because children are able to receive skills and teaching as a basis of knowledge and thought processes."
Andrew also explained, half the child's intellectual development took place prior to entering the age of 4 years. Precisely 17 years of age cognitive development is a cumulative development of the child is born.
According to Andre, 0-4 year olds have the cognitive development of 50%, 30% 4-8 years and 9-17 years at 20%. "It's brain development before age 1 year early, but the maturation of the brain take place after the child is born," he said.
He warned that the influence of early environment on brain development will impact long. Therefore, children who have good environmental stimulation, brain function will develop better.