Kamis, 29 Desember 2011


Effective reading instruction is built on a foundation that recognizes that reading ability is determined by multiple factors: many factors that correlate with reading fail to explain it; many experiences contribute to reading development without being prerequisite to it; and although there are many prerequisites, none by itself is considered sufficient.

Adequate initial reading instruction requires that children:

use reading to obtain meaning from print,
have frequent and intensive opportunities to read,
are exposed to frequent, regular spelling-sound relationships,
learn about the nature of the alphabetic writing system, and
understand the structure of spoken words.
Adequate progress in learning to read English (or any alphabetic language) beyond the initial level depends on:

having a working understanding of how sounds are represented alphabetically,
sufficient practice in reading to achieve fluency with different kinds of texts,
sufficient background knowledge and vocabulary to render written texts meaningful and interesting,
control over procedures for monitoring comprehension and repairing misunderstandings, and
continued interest and motivation to read for a variety of purposes.
Reading skill is acquired in a relatively predictable way by children who have normal or above average language skills; have had experiences in early childhood that fostered motivation and provided exposure to literacy in use; get information about the nature of print through opportunities to learn letters and to recognize the internal structure of spoken words, as well as explanations about the contrasting nature of spoken and written language; and attend schools that provide effective reading instruction and opportunities to practice reading.

Disruption of any of these developments increases the possibility that reading will be delayed or impeded. The association of poor reading outcomes with poverty and minority status no doubt reflects the accumulated effects of several of these risk factors, including lack of access to literacy-stimulating preschool experiences and to excellent, coherent reading instruction. In addition, a number of children without any obvious risk factors also develop reading difficulties. These children may require intensive efforts at intervention and extra help in reading and accommodations for their disability throughout their lives.

There are three potential stumbling blocks that are known to throw children off course on the journey to skilled reading. The first obstacle, which arises at the outset of reading acquisition, is difficulty understanding and using the alphabetic principle--the idea that written spellings systematically represent spoken words. It is hard to comprehend connected text if word recognition is inaccurate or laborious. The second obstacle is a failure to transfer the comprehension skills of spoken language to reading and to acquire new strategies that may be specifically needed for reading. The third obstacle to reading will magnify the first two: the absence or loss of an initial motivation to read or failure to develop a mature appreciation of the rewards of reading.

As in every domain of learning, motivation is crucial. Although most children begin school with positive attitudes and expectations for success, by the end of the primary grades and increasingly thereafter, some children become disaffected. The majority of reading problems faced by today's adolescents and adults are the result of problems that might have been avoided or resolved in their early childhood years. It is imperative that steps be taken to ensure that children overcome these obstacles during the primary grades.

Reducing the number of children who enter school with inadequate literacy-related knowledge and skill is an important primary step toward preventing reading difficulties. Although not a panacea, this would serve to reduce considerably the magnitude of the problem currently facing schools. Children who are particularly likely to have difficulty with learning to read in the primary grades are those who begin school with less prior knowledge and skill in relevant domains, most notably, general verbal abilities, the ability to attend to the sounds of language as distinct from its meaning, familiarity with the basic purposes and mechanisms of reading, and letter knowledge. Children from poor neighborhoods, children with limited proficiency in English, children with hearing impairments, children with preschool language impairments, and children whose parents had difficulty learning to read are particularly at risk of arriving at school with weaknesses in these areas and hence of falling behind from the outset.

Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Setting DNS Modem AHA

Sekedar berbagi aja nih bagi kalian yang bisa disebut suka membuka situs-situs atau website yang diblokir oleh Modem AHA

Saya gak bilang kalian suka buka situs porno loh yah maksudnya situs yang telah diblokir oleh modem AHA, kalau disini saya memberikan contoh pada modem AHA tipe Olive VME 110.

Caranya adalah mengubah DNS Provider pada modem AHA kalian, kalau saran dari saya sih sebaiknya membuat profil baru supaya nantinya berguna untuk lebih mudah switch kembali ke DNS AHA

Secara default pada saat pertama kali install modem aha pasti sudah terpasang profil AHA

Untuk memudahkan kita untuk kedepannya maka kita buat profil baru pada modem AHA

Anggap saja saya buat profil baru dengan nama AHA DNS, dengan spesifikasi sebagai berikut :

Nomor telepon : #777
Nama pengguna : aha@aha.co.id
Password : aha
DNS Standar :
DNS Cadangan :
Silahkan untuk lebih jelasnya lihat gambar sebagai berikut

Nah sampai sini pasti sudah sangat jelas donk kalau sudah di setting seperti diatas jangan lupa :

klik tombol simpan
klik tombol atur ke standar
klik tombol tutup

sekarang profil yang telah kita buat tadi sudah menjadi default profil pada modem kalian cara ini juga telah saya coba pada modem AHA tipe Huawei EC167 dan terjamin berhasil kok

Kalau masih ada yang tidak bisa dengan cara diatas menggunakan modem aha Huawei EC167 silahkan gunakan cara dibawah ini

Control Panel – Network and Internet – Network Connections – klik kanan dan properties pada Mobile Broadband Connection.

klik button properties pada saat anda memilih Internet Protocol Version 4.

Pilih obtain pada IP Adress Automatically – silahkan isi DNS seperti di bawah ini – klik button advanced.

Atur susunan DNS server addresses – sisanya klik ok semua

Selamat Mencoba

Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Direct and the Grammar Translation Method

Grammar Translation Method
Sometimes also known as the Classical Method, this is a traditional teaching technique that was used to teach Latin and Greek and was particularly in vogue during the 16th Century.

The focus at this time was on the translation of texts, grammar, and rote learning of vocabulary. There was no emphasis on speaking and listening comprehension because Latin and Greek were taught more as academic subjects rather than a means of oral communication.

This teaching method is still common in many countries and institutions around the world, and still appeals to those interested in languages from an intellectual or linguistic perspective. However, it does little to improve your ability to use the language for oral communication.

Direct Method
This approach, also known as the 'oral' or 'natural' method, originated around the 1900s as an alternative to the traditional grammatical translation method. At this time teachers were starting to experiment with teaching and educational models as previous techniques were failing to improve spoken communication.

The Direct Method is based on the direct involvement of the student when speaking, and listening to, the foreign language in common everyday situations. Consequently, there is lots of oral interaction, spontaneous use of the language, no translation, and little if any analysis of grammar rules and syntax. The focus of the lessons is on good pronunciation, often introducing learners to phonetic symbols before they see standard writing examples.

The Direct Method continues to provoke interest and enthusiasm today, but it is not an easy methodology to use in a classroom situation. It requires small classes and high student motivation, and in the artificial environment of a classroom it is difficult to generate natural situations of understanding and guarantee sufficient practice for everyone.

However, variants of this method have been developed where the teacher allows limited explanations in the student's native language and explains some grammar rules to correct common errors a student may make when speaking. One of the most famous supporters of this method was the German Charles Berlitz, who founded the Berlitz chain of private language schools.

Some characteristics of this method are:

Lessons are in the target language
There is a focus on everyday vocabulary
Visual aids are used to teach vocabulary
Particular attention is placed on the accuracy of pronunciation and grammar
A systematic approach is developed for comprehension and oral expression

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

how to improve your writing skills

f all the classes I took in college and graduate school, the two that have helped me most in my career have been English Composition and Business English. In these classes I learned effective writing skills, which I have used in every job I have ever had. No other job but my work on this site included writing as part of my job description. In spite of this, I was required to write in every job, and it was taken for granted that I would be able to do this. This is the case with most jobs -- whether you must write internal memos, correspond with clients, or help design sales materials. Writing beautiful prose and poetry is a talent. Writing effectively, however, is a skill that can be learned.
Organize Your Writing

Whether you are writing a memo to your co-worker or a report for your boss, you should decide what information you want to convey. Here is how to do this:
List each item you need to discuss in your memo or report.
Put them in order — from most to least important
Write a brief summary of your entire memo — this will be your first paragraph.
Expand on each item listed in step 1.
If any action needs to be taken by the recipient, state that in your closing paragraph.
Some Tips

Avoid wordiness. Say out loud what you are trying to write. Listen to how the words sound. For example, the sentence, "I found out that I should take a look at our past sales figures in order to come up with a plan to help us re-evaluate our sales technique" could be more simply stated as "I must take a look at our past sales figures to re-evaluate our sales technique."
Write for your audience. Use simple language. You don't want the reader to need a dictionary to decipher what you are trying to say. You should not try to impress your reader with your huge vocabulary. Chances are you will frustrate your reader instead. Most people are juggling several tasks at the same time, and are interested in receiving only necessary information. You are responsible for making this happen. Instead of saying, "His gregarious nature credentials him as a superlative candidate for the job," say "His friendliness makes him a top candidate for the job."

Stay away from jargon your reader may not understand. If your work is very technical, but the person you are writing to is not well versed in that field, stick to words that person will understand. For example, if you are a Web site designer, this sentence in a memo to your client, a psychologist, will make no sense: "What would you like me to use as the BGCOLOR for your site: #ADD8E6 or #FFFFFF?" Anyone proficient in Web page design knows that this question can be translated to "What would you like the background color of your site to be: Light Blue or White?" However, don't expect your client to be more familiar with this technical jargon than you would be with her discussion of a psychological term such as trichotillomania.

A cliche a day keeps the reader away — or at least it does not make him or her remember what you are saying. You want your writing to be memorable. Because we hear cliches often, we become desensitized to them. The words, then, are not uniquely associated with your writing. Rather than saying "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today" in a memo to a subordinate you are trying to motivate. Simply say, "Stop procrastinating. Get the job done now."

When possible, use the active voice. The active voice makes your sentence stronger and usually shorter. Let's try these examples. Passive voice: "Sales increased due to the networking I did." Active voice: "My networking increased sales."

Don't be redundant. It is not necessary to say "2 p.m. in the afternoon" or "the expectant pregnant woman." Saying "2 p.m." or "2 in the afternoon" or "the expectant woman" or "the pregnant woman" all convey what you want to say and are less wordy.

Of course pay attention to grammar. Use Strunk and White's Elements of Style, available on the Web. A good dictionary should be nearby, along with a thesaurus. A thesaurus will allow you to keep your writing fresh by helping you find a variety of words to use. Many of these resources are available online.

Proofreading is one of the most important things you can do. Since you probably do most of your writing on a computer, you have access to automated spelling and grammar checkers. Beware though — some words, used in the wrong context may be missed by computerized spell checkers. For example the sentence "To employees attended too meetings two learn about the gnu software," would pass through the spell check without any misspellings being detected. Have someone else proofread your document, if possible. If time allows, put your composition away, and proofread it later, or even better, the next day.

Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Cara Mudah Menulis Bahasa Inggris

enulis dalam Bahasa Inggris bukanlah suatu hal yang sangat sulit. Hal yang paling penting yang harus kita ingat hanyalah kita harus menggunakan pola kalimat yang betul-betul standart, yaitu SPOK. Jika kita selalu berpedoman dengan pola ini, maka tentu saja kita tidak akan menghadapi kesulitan dalam menulis. Namun demikian, hal-hal lain yang harus kita perhatikan dalam menulis Bahasa Inggris adalah sebagai berikut:
Buatlah kalimat Anda sederhana dan jelas. Jangan gunakan banyak kalimat-kalimat yang rumit dipahami.
Jangan membuat semua kalimat sama panjang.Lebih baik memvariasikan panjang kalimat. Ada yang pendek, dan ada yang panjang. Apabila kita dapat memotong suatu kalimat menjadi kalimat yang baru, maka lakukanlah.
Lebih baik untuk menggunakan kalimat aktif, daripada kalimat pasif.
Jangan gunakan singkatan kecuali Anda yakin bahwa pembaca akan mengerti.
Hal ini lebih baik menggunakan kata benda dan kata kerja, bukan kata sifat dan kata keterangan.
Gunakan kata-kata yang pembaca kenal. Jangan menggunakan kata-kata yang pembaca mungkin akan sulit mengerti.
Gunakan istilah-istilah umum.
Perhatikan tanda baca.

Tips Mengembalikan Akun Facebook yang Kena HACK

quote/copas--> komentar agan @Sutardi Gs

‎1.buka profil kalian yang terkena hack dari facebook teman kalian
2.copykan link profil facebook yang terkena hack tadi
3.sekarang anda buka halaman utama facebook dan klik lupa kata sandi
4.akan muncul 3 pertanyaan seperti gambar di bawah,dan anda pastekan link yang anda copykan tadi ke colom yang ke dua,kemudian klik pencarian
5.setelah itu akan muncul seperti gambar di bawah dan klik segera tidak punya akses kesini lagi
6.dan kemudian anda akan di suruh memasukkan email baru,masukkan lah email yang sama sekali tidak pernah di sentuh oleh facebook atau kata gampangnya adalah anda buat aja email baru dan klik kirim.
7.anda akan di bawa ke 4 tahap,dan jangan lupa membaca dan mengikuti petunjuknya.
8.setelah anda melewati tahap pertama,maka anda akan masuk ke tahap ke dua,di sini anda akan di suruh memilih 3 teman anda,pilihlah teman facebook anda yang benar-benar akrab atau dekat dengan anda,karena ke 3 teman anda inilah nanti akan di kirim kode perifikasi,kalau sudah klik kirim kode ke teman.
9.setelah itu anda akan di bawa ke tahap ke tiga,di sini anda di suruh memasukkan kode perifikasi,maka segera hubungi 3 teman yang anda pilih tadi dan minta kode perifikasi yang di kirim team facebook ke pada mereka,kalau kode nya sudah anda terima,kalian tinggal memasukkan 3 kode perifikasi tadi kemudian klik kirim.
10.kemudian anda akan di gilir ke tahap yang ke empat, selamat acount anda teah kembali ke pada anda,di sini anda tinggal menikmati hasil jerih payah kalian
kemudian cek email baru tadi,kemudian login lah dengan alamat email baru dan dengan fasword yang baru.

Selamat Mencoba

Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Melalui Koran Masuk Sekolah

Sebanyak 100 sekolah dari sembilan provinsi di Indonesia terpilih untuk mengikuti program Koran Masuk Sekolah. Kesembilan propinsi tersebut antara lain, Riau, Jawa Barat, Kalimantan Timur, jawa Tengah, Yogyakarta, Jawa Timur, Bali, Sumatera Utara dan DKI Jakarta.

Dirjen Pendidikan Menengah Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemdikbud) Hamid Muhammad mengatakan, program Koran Masuk Sekolah dapat menjadi stimulus pemberdayaan bahasa Inggris bagi para peserta didik. “Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris akan lebih berkembang dengan adanya interaksi peserta didik, guru, dan media,” ungkap Hamid di Gedung Kemdikbud, Jakarta, Senin (19/12).

Hamid mengatakan, program ini sebenarnya sudah dimulai sejak 2007. Hanya saja, program itu tidak terlalu efektif.

Karenanya, mulai tahun 2012 mendatang akan dikembangkan ke 100 sekolah menengah atas dan sekolah menengah kejuruan di sembilan provinsi. Setiap sekolah akan mendapatkan tiga eksemplar koran harian berbahasa Inggris selama setahun untuk dijadikan pembelajaran di sekolah.

Hamid menyampaikan, dengan penerapan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi yang dimulai sejak 2004 maka pengajaran bahasa Inggris telah menggunakan pendekatan berbasis komunikasi. Menurutnya, sudah banyak sekolah yang mengubah metode pembelajaran dari berbasis grammar dan struktur menjadi berbasis keterampilan komunikasi.

Dengan adanya koran masuk sekolah akan menjadi sumber daya yang penting di dalam program pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.

Program Koran Masuk Sekolah itu pun disambut positif siswa. Rafif Muhammad Rizqullah, siswa SMAN 1 Bekasi, mengaku senang dengan adanya program ini. Menurutnya, sebagai pelajar dia dapat menggunakan koran untuk mencari informasi sekaligus sarana untuk belajar bahasa Inggris.

kemampuan bahasa Inggris merupakan keharusan di bidang turisme. Koran, kata dia, dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber informasi dan sarana belajar membaca. Koran adalah media yang murah dan efektif untuk pembelajaran.

Mempercepat koneksi internet anda

I. Mengubah setting bandwith pada Windows
Pada dasarnya OS windows sudah membatasi bandwidth untuk koneksi internet sebanyak 20% dari total bandwidth yang seharusnya bisa maksimal, jika netter ingin menambah bandwidth internet supaya koneksinya terasa lebih cepat dan kencang bisa dengan cara mengurangi atau mengosongkan batasan bandwidth tersebut supaya pada Windows kita bisa maksimal dalam menggunakan bandwidth yang sudah ada.

Ikuti petunjuknya seperti dibawah ini :

1. Klik Start
2. Klik Run
3. Ketik gpedit.msc
4. Kemudian klik Ok
5. Setelah masuk klik (buka) Administrative Templates
6. Kemudian klik (buka) Network
7. Setelah terbuka klik QoS Packet scheduler
8. Kemudian klik Limit Reservable Bandwidth
9. Dan setelah terbuka ubah setting menjadi Enable
10. Kemudian ubah Bandwidth Limitnya menjadi 0
11. Klik Apply, dan terus Ok
12. Kemudian keluar dan Restart komputercontoh gambar hasil..https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1789605518770&l=2f0f504bae
II. Pakai browser Google Chrome atau Apple Safari
Versi terbaru dari browser Chrome dan Safari sangatlah cepat bila dibandingkan dengan Firefox ataupun Internet Explorer (sudah dicoba dan terbukti memang jauh lebih cepat). Saran saya pakailah Google Chrome karena selain cepat, Chrome lebih aman dibanding dengan Safari, walau dalam beberapa hal Safari kadang lebih cepat dari Chrome.
Kalau netter sudah terbiasa memakai Firefox dan tidak ingin beralih ke browser lagi, bisa tambahkan Add-on “Adblock” untuk memblok iklan, gambar, dan flash yang aktif. Ada beberapa Add-on lagi dari Firefox seperti NoScript yang bisa mempercepat akses internet, tapi sayangnya kalau kebanyakan Add-on justru, kadang malah memperlambat akses dari browser Firefox sendiri.
Nih linknya :
Google Chrome
Apple Safari
III. Perbesar chace browser hingga 5 % dari kapasitas harddisk tau 1-2 Gb
Cara ini terbukti efektif untuk mempercepat akses browser. Logikanya adalah browser tidak perlu tiap kali loading gambar dan tetek bengeknya segala setiap kali berkunjung ke situs yang sudah pernah dikunjungi, karena kalau situs sudah pernah dikunjungi akan otomatis di-cache oleh browser.
Cara ini hanya berlaku jika kapasitas harddisk netter cukup besar. Pada umumnya masing-masing browser ada yang bisa diset kapasitas cachenya, ada yang otomatis. Jika browser netter tidak ada pilihan set cache, artinya netter jangan sering-sering (atau tidak perlu) clear history di browser.bagi yang hobi download jangan lupa seting idm nya seperti gambar ini.. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1789611358916&l=c68fd4e316klik bagian conection lalu pilih conection type/speed dengan klik other lalu bikin angka 9 sebanyak 9 X oh ya yang penting gunakan antivirus yang suport internet security,spyware juga terupdate..
auto update window matikan ajah..
jangan heran..sekuat apapun bandwith internet klo udah terkena virus ,phissing.spyware tidak akan ada bertenga sama sekali,...

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan Mudah

Siapa bilang belajar bahasa Inggris itu sulit dan membosankan? Sebenarnya banyak cara yang dapat membuat belajar bahasa Inggris itu mudah dan menyenangkan. Anda bisa belajar bahasa Inggris melalui lagu, permainan komputer, permainan kelompok, teka-teki, dan lelucon. Artikel ini akan membahas bagaimana kita dapat menggunakan lelucon atau kisah-kisah lucu untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. Bagaimana caranya? Ikutlilah artikel ini selanjutnya.

Lelucon atau kisah-kisah lucu adalah cerita yang amat digemari oleh hampir setiap orang. Lihatlah betapa banyaknya buku yang menjual kisah-kisah lucu, seperti Mati Ketawa ala Rusia, si Kabayan, si Pandir, Abu Nawas, Nasrudin Hoja, dsb. Buku-buku tersebut disukai oleh orang dari berbagai tingkat usia.

Oleh karena itu, kisah-kisah lucu tersebut akan merupakan bahan yang tepat sekali untuk belajar bahasa. Pertama, karena ceritanya menarik dan menyenangkan. Ke dua, dengan membaca, Anda menambah jumlah kosakata yang Anda miliki. Ke tiga, Anda juga dapat melihat penggunaan pola struktur kalimat dalam konteks yang wajar. Dan, yang terpenting, dengan membaca, Anda mempraktekkan penggunaan bahasa itu. Kalau Anda mau melangkah lebih jauh lagi, Anda dapat menggunakannya sebagai bahan latihan bercerita atau bercakap-cakap dalam bahasa Inggris dengan teman Anda.

Bagaimana caranya? Pertama, carilah cerita-cerita jenaka yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Ini dapat Anda temukan di toko-toko buku atau di internet. Namun, Anda perlu menyeleksi kisah-kisah itu karena banyak kisah lucu yang memanfaatkan selera rendah manusia alias kotor. Di situs ini kami telah memilihkan beberapa kisah jenaka yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk meningkatkan kosakata bahasa Inggris Anda. Kisah-kisah itu sudah kami kelompokkan menjadi tingkat dasar (elementary), menengah (intermediate), dan lanjut (advanced) sehingga Anda dapat memilih sesuai tingkat kemampuan Anda. Beberapa kisah yang tidak terkelompokkan ditandai dengan kata tidak terkategorikan (uncategorized). Ini karena kisah tersebut diambil dari sumber yang memang tidak terkategori. Sesuai dengan nama situs ini, semua cerita kocak dalam bahasa Inggris ini dijamin bersih dari konteks dan kata-kata yang jorok, dan kasar.
Karena banyaknya, kisah-kisah jenaka itu tidak dimasukkan ke FrontPage. Anda dapat mengaksesnya melalui Main Menu. Klik Learn English dan kemudian Funny Stories. Di situ Anda akan mendapatkan daftar kisah-kisah jenaka itu. Pilihlah salah satu dan nikmatilah.
Ke dua, bacalah cerita-cerita jenaka itu. Fahami artinya, dan tertawalah kalau Anda ingin tertawa. Kalau ada beberapa kata yang masih belum Anda kenal, bukalah kamus untuk mengetahui artinya. Membuka kamus ini penting sekali karena banyaknya kata-kata baru itulah yang menunjukkan kemajuan bahasa Inggris Anda. Semakin banyak Anda memiliki kosakata, semakin sedikit Anda akan membuka kamus. Pilihlah kamus yang baik, yang memberikan contoh konteks penggunaan kata itu dalam kalimat. Ini karena konteks tersebut akan menenukan arti sebenarnya kata-kata tersebut.

Bagaimana dengan cara pengucapan kata-kata tersebut? Bahasa Inggris memang cukup membingungkan bagi orang Indonesia karena ejaan kata dan bunyi kata itu sering tidak sama. Kalau tujuan Anda hanya ketrampilan memahami bacaan secara pasif, Anda tidak perlu pusing dengan cara pengucapan kata tersebut. Tetapi kalau Anda juga ingin mempunyai ketrampilan berbicara (misalnya pidato di depan orang banyak), Anda dapat mengetahui cara pengucapannya dari kamus yang baik.

Kunci keberhasilan berbahasa asing (termasuk Inggris) adalah seringnya Anda bertemu dan menggunakan bahasa itu. Oleh karena itu, usahakan bertemu dan menggunakan bahasa Inggris setiap hari. Anda dapat mengunjungi situs ini barang sepuluh menit untuk membaca barang satu atau dua kisah jenaka dalam bahasa Inggris sambil bergembira. Insya Allah, kisah itu akan terus ditambah setiap hari. Jangan terlalu banyak menambah kata-kata dalam satu hari. Yang penting, sering bertemu dan menggunakan walau dalam waktu yang pendek setiap kalinya.

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

mempercepat semua koneksi modem

Ane cuma pengen sekedar share tips & tricks mempercepat koneksi internet modem khususnya yang menggunakan Indosatm2, T-Flash, XL maupun internet mobile broadband lainnya.

Sebenarnya banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi kecepatan koneksi internet, terutama yang pakai broadband wireless seperti IM2 ini, diantaranya yaitu geolokasi tempat sobat berada jauh apa dekat dengan BTS, terjangkau apa tidak dengan jaringan 3G/HSDPA nya [kalo pas saya dirumah desa sono gak bakalan dapat 3G dah, lha EDGE aja ngimpi... paling-paling GPRS itu aja beneran susaaahhhh koneknya ] dan kondisi jaringan yang overload juga berpengaruh besar pada kecepatan modem. Juga tipe modem yang dipakai, dipasaran banyak modem dengan beraneka tipe dan spesifikasi tentunya dengan harga yang berbeda. Ingat belum tentu yang harganya lebih mahal dikit itu musti lebih baik lho, kecepatan belum tentu bisa wuzzz beneran, kembali lagi kecepatan tergantung juga pada geolokasi dan jaringan kan.

Tips Pertamaxxx. Menggunakan DNS server/resolver untuk meminimalisir waktu resolving IP address.
Terutama buat pengguna IM2. Kecepatan inet im2 bisa sedikit digenjot dengan memanfaatkan layanan DNS server/resolver seperti dari OpenDNS maupun DNS Nawala (project dari Telkom). Kenapa? coz default DNS server/resolver milik m2 kadang susah untuk meresolve alamat IP address dari suatu website yang ingin kita buka, akibatnya aksesnya pun akan sedikit lebih lama (mungkin hanya bbrp mili sekon ).

Buat koneksi baru
1. Buka Control Panel
2. Pilih Network Connections
3. Pilih Create a New Connection -> Next
4. Pada Network connection Type pilih Connect to the network at my workspace
5. Kemudian klik Next -> Pilih Dial-up connection -> Next
6. Pada kolom Connection Name isi dengan sembarang nama, misal IM2KU
7. Klik Next, Pada Phone Number to Dial isi dengan *99# (untuk indosatm2, untuk tipe kartu lainnya baca buku petunjuknya)
8. Pilih Next -> Finish.

Seting Account
1. Setelah itu akan muncul window Connect Dial-up Connection
2. Isikan Username dan Password sesuai dengan akun indosatm2 anda.
3. Check Save this username and passsword

Memasukan IP address dari DNS servernya.
1. Pilih tombol Propertis, pastikan pada tab General Coonect using sudah menggunakan mode anda.
2. Masuklah ke tab Networking pilih Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
3. Klik tombol properties, muncul jendela baru kemudian pilih pada Use the following DNS server addresses.
4. Masukkan DNS address yang kita dapat dari penyedia layanan DNS server (ada dua, primary dan secondary).
5. Klik Ok -> OK lagi, dan coba untuk dial.
6. Tunggu sampai connected! Mohon sabar :lol:

Berikut ini DNS address yang dibutuhkan:
1. OpenDNS: (primary) dan (secondary)
2. DNS Nawala: (primary) dan (secondary)
3. Google public DNS: (primary) dan (secondary)
4. DNS AWARI (Sumbangan dr bro Ridwan): (primary) dan (secondary)

Pentingnya Pendidikan Karakter...!

Saat ini mulai marak dibicarakan mengenai pendidikan karakter. Tetapi yang masih umum diterapkan mengenai pendidikan karakter ini masih pada taraf jenjang pendidikan pra sekolah (taman bermain dan taman kanak-kanak). sementara pada jenjang sekolah dasar dan seterusnya masih sangat-sangat jarang sekali. kurikulum pendidikan di Indonesia masih belum menyentuh aspek karakter ini, meskipun ada pelajaran pancasila, kewarganegaraan dan semisalnya, tapi itu masih sebatas teori dan tidak dalam tataran aplikatif. Padahal jika Indonesia ingin memperbaiki mutu SDM dan segera bangkit dari ketinggalannya, maka indonesia harus merombak istem pendidikan yang ada saat ini.

Mungkin banyak yang bertanya-tanya sebenarnya apa sih dampak pendidikan karakter terhadap keberhasilan akademik? Beberapa penelitian bermunculan untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini. Ringkasan dari beberapa penemuan penting mengenai hal ini diterbitkan oleh sebuah buletin, Character Educator, yang diterbitkan oleh Character Education Partnership. Dalam buletin tersebut diuraikan bahwa hasil studi Dr. Marvin Berkowitz dari University of Missouri- St. Louis, menunjukan peningkatan motivasi siswa sekolah dalam meraih prestasi akademik pada sekolah-sekolah yang menerapkan pendidikan karakter. Kelas-kelas yang secara komprehensif terlibat dalam pendidikan karakter menunjukan penurunan drastis pada perilaku negatif siswa yang dapat menghambat keberhasilan akademik.

Pendidikan karakter adalah pendidikan budi pekerti plus, yaitu yang melibatkan aspek pengetahuan (cognitive), perasaan (feeling), dan tindakan (action). Menurut Thomas Lickona, tanpa ketiga aspek ini, maka pendidikan karakter tidak akan efektif, dan pelaksanaannya pun harus dilakukan secara sistematis dan berkelanjutan.

Dengan pendidikan karakter, seorang anak akan menjadi cerdas emosinya. Kecerdasan emosi adalah bekal terpenting dalam mempersiapkan anak menyongsong masa depan, karena dengannya seseorang akan dapat berhasil dalam menghadapi segala macam tantangan, termasuk tantangan untuk berhasil secara akademis.

Sebuah buku yang baru terbit berjudul Emotional Intelligence and School Success (Joseph Zins, et.al, 2001) mengkompilasikan berbagai hasil penelitian tentang pengaruh positif kecerdasan emosi anak terhadap keberhasilan di sekolah. Dikatakan bahwa ada sederet faktor-faktor resiko penyebab kegagalan anak di sekolah. Faktor-faktor resiko yang disebutkan ternyata bukan terletak pada kecerdasan otak, tetapi pada karakter, yaitu rasa percaya diri, kemampuan bekerja sama, kemampuan bergaul, kemampuan berkonsentrasi, rasa empati, dan kemampuan berkomunikasi.

Hal ini sesuai dengan pendapat Daniel Goleman tentang keberhasilan seseorang di masyarakat, ternyata 80 persen dipengaruhi oleh kecerdasan emosi, dan hanya 20 persen ditentukan oleh kecerdasan otak (IQ). Anak-anak yang mempunyai masalah dalam kecerdasan emosinya, akan mengalami kesulitan belajar, bergaul dan tidak dapat mengontrol emosinya. Anak-anak yang bermasalah ini sudah dapat dilihat sejak usia pra-sekolah, dan kalau tidak ditangani akan terbawa sampai usia dewasa. Sebaliknya para remaja yang berkarakter atau mempunyai kecerdasan emosi tinggi akan terhindar dari masalah-masalah umum yang dihadapi oleh remaja seperti kenakalan, tawuran, narkoba, miras, perilaku seks bebas, dan sebagainya.

Pendidikan karakter di sekolah sangat diperlukan, walaupun dasar dari pendidikan karakter adalah di dalam keluarga. Kalau seorang anak mendapatkan pendidikan karakter yang baik dari keluarganya, anak tersebut akan berkarakter baik selanjutnya. Namun banyak orang tua yang lebih mementingkan aspek kecerdasan otak ketimbang pendidikan karakter.

Selain itu Daniel Goleman juga mengatakan bahwa banyak orang tua yang gagal dalam mendidik karakter anak-anaknya entah karena kesibukan atau karena lebih mementingkan aspek kognitif anak. Namun ini semua dapat dikoreksi dengan memberikan pendidikan karakter di sekolah. Namun masalahnya, kebijakan pendidikan di Indonesia juga lebih mementingkan aspek kecerdasan otak, dan hanya baru-baru ini saja pentingnya pendidikan budi pekerti menjadi bahan pembicaraan ramai. Ada yang mengatakan bahwa kurikulum pendidikan di Indonesia dibuat hanya cocok untuk diberikan pada 10-20 persen otak-otak terbaik. Artinya sebagian besar anak sekolah (80-90 persen) tidak dapat mengikuti kurikulum pelajaran di sekolah. Akibatnya sejak usia dini, sebagian besar anak-anak akan merasa “bodoh” karena kesulitan menyesuaikan dengan kurikulum yang ada. Ditambah lagi dengan adanya sistem ranking yang telah “memvonis” anak-anak yang tidak masuk “10 besar”, sebagai anak yang kurang pandai. Sistem seperti ini tentunya berpengaruh negatif terhadap usaha membangun karakter, dimana sejak dini anak-anak justru sudah “dibunuh” rasa percaya dirinya. Rasa tidak mampu yang berkepanjangan yang akan membentuk pribadi yang tidak percaya diri, akan menimbulkan stress berkepanjangan. Pada usia remaja biasanya keadaan ini akan mendorong remaja berperilaku negatif. Maka, tidak heran kalau kita lihat perilaku remaja kita yang senang tawuran, terlibat kriminalitas, putus sekolah, dan menurunnya mutu lulusan SMP dan SMU.

Jadi, pendidikan karakter atau budi pekerti plus adalah suatu yang urgent untuk dilakukan. Kalau kita peduli untuk meningkatkan mutu lulusan SD, SMP dan SMU, maka tanpa pendidikan karakter adalah usaha yang sia-sia. Kami ingin mengutip kata-kata bijak dari pemikir besar dunia.

Mahatma Gandhi memperingatkan tentang salah satu tujuh dosa fatal, yaitu “education without character”(pendidikan tanpa karakter).

Dr. Martin Luther King juga pernah berkata: “Intelligence plus character….that is the goal of true education” (Kecerdasan plus karakter….itu adalah tujuan akhir dari pendidikan sebenarnya).

Juga Theodore Roosevelt yang mengatakan: “To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society” (Mendidik seseorang dalam aspek kecerdasan otak dan bukan aspek moral adalah ancaman mara-bahaya kepada masyarakat)..

Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

internet gratis dan mempercepat koneksi XL dengan memakai proxy

1. Agar kecepatannya maknyusss, sbaiiknya di daftar dulu dii *123# terus pilih 4-1, nahh dsitu ada beberapa yng agan mau pilih, mau perhari, perminggu, atau perbulan. Terserah, tergantung dari pulsa agan,, :D

2. download ISPCE nya dii :

3. kemudian agan download Comodo Firewall : http://personalfirewall.comodo.com/free-download.html
Agar tdak disconnect otomatis jika pulsa di bawah Rp.500
4. dan download yng ini: http://www.4shared*com/file/hj3dje9Z/default.html

Cara pakai :
1. Jangan di connectkin dulu modemnya

2. masukkan dulu nomor 4 (empat) ke dalam file ISPCE yng sdah di install atau (C:\Program Files\ISPCE).

3. kemudian buka ISPCE yng sdah di install. pilih File--Load Config File--default.cfg

4. Ganti proxy firefox anda dngan cara tools--options--kemudian pilih tab Advanced--network--settings

5. pilih Manual Proxy configuration: HTTP Proxy : Port : 8089
centang Use This Proxy server for all protocols No Proxy For : (dikosongin)

6. klik ok dan ok :D

7. klo agan ingin mendownload dngan memakai IDM. buka IDM pilih tab Download--Options--pilih tab Proxy, kemudian centang :

a.Use HTTP Proxy : - Proxy : -Port : 8089 -Username : (dikosongin) -Password : (dikosongin)

b.Use HTTPS Proxy : - Proxy : -Port : 8089 -Username : (dikosongin) -Password : (dikosongin)

c.Use FTP Proxy : - Proxy : -Port : 8089 -Username : (dikosongin) -Password : (dikosongin)

8. kemudian OK dan Restart.

9. kemudian Colok Modem dan Connect (Jangan Browsing dulu)

10. Buka ISPCE, pilih tab Network Load Balancing (berada di paling ujung kanan)

11. centang Connect Through Proxy kemudian Start

12. Selamat mendownload riaa kayak ini :



Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

Belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan Mudah

Berikut ini adalah beberapa saran yang para pelajar bahasa Inggris (English learner) perlu lakukan untuk menyempurnakan ketrampilan bahasa Inggris mereka.

1. Study English regularly - Belajarlah bahasa Inggris secara teratur. Langkah pertama adalah mendengar. Kita harus mendengar kata-kata, kalimat atau pengucapan bahasa Inggris. Langkah kedua adalah mencoba mengetahui bagaimana mereka itu ditulis. Ketika kita telah mengetahuinya maka langkah ketiga adalah membaca. Kita perlu membaca kata-kata atau kalimat beberapa kali sampai pengucapan bahasa Inggris kita benar. Jika kita bisa membaca dengan baik maka langkah ke empat adalah menulis. Cobalah menulis kalimat atau kata-kata dengan ejaan yang benar.

2. Think in English. Ketika belajar bahasa Inggris, kita mendengar, berbicara atau membaca, dan menulis. Hal yang paling penting yang harus kita kuasai adalah berpikir dalam bahasa Inggris. Kelilingilah dirimu dengan bahasa Inggris termasuk pikiranmu. Dengan kata lain BERPIKIRLAH DALAM BAHASA INGGRIS. Ini kelihatannya aneh tetapi anda harus melakukan hal itu. Berapa orang berkata bahwa indikator untuk hal ini adalah ketika Anda tidur dan bermimpi dalam bahasa Inggris. Pagi berikutnya ketika Anda bangun, cobalah ingat apakah tadi malam Anda bermimpi dalam bahasa Inggris (Dream in English).

3. Practice your English. Praktekkan bahasa Inggris Anda denga
n siapa saja. anda bisa mempraktek berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan teman, guru, tetangga, atau teman kerja.

4. Read in English. Jangan lupa untuk meluangkan waktu membaca cerpen, novel atau buku dalam Bahasa Inggris.

5. Write in English. Jika Anda serius dengan belajar. Mungkin Anda dapat mulai menulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Jika tidak yakin dengan ejaan bahasa Inggris tertentu lihatlah di kamus.
Belaja bahasa Inggris tidak akan berhasil hanya dalam satu malam saja. Ia membutuhkan kesabaran dan ketekunan. Jika belajar bahasa Inggris secara teratur, hari demi hari, bahasa Inggris Anda akan semakin baik. Semoga berhasil.

Tips Sederhana Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Berikut ini adalah beberapa saran yang para pelajar bahasa Inggris (English learner) perlu lakukan untuk menyempurnakan ketrampilan bahasa Inggris mereka.

1. Study English regularly - Belajarlah bahasa Inggris secara teratur. Langkah pertama adalah mendengar. Kita harus mendengar kata-kata, kalimat atau pengucapan bahasa Inggris. Langkah kedua adalah mencoba mengetahui bagaimana mereka itu ditulis. Ketika kita telah mengetahuinya maka langkah ketiga adalah membaca. Kita perlu membaca kata-kata atau kalimat beberapa kali sampai pengucapan bahasa Inggris kita benar. Jika kita bisa membaca dengan baik maka langkah ke empat adalah menulis. Cobalah menulis kalimat atau kata-kata dengan ejaan yang benar.

2. Think in English. Ketika belajar bahasa Inggris, kita mendengar, berbicara atau membaca, dan menulis. Hal yang paling penting yang harus kita kuasai adalah berpikir dalam bahasa Inggris. Kelilingilah dirimu dengan bahasa Inggris termasuk pikiranmu. Dengan kata lain BERPIKIRLAH DALAM BAHASA INGGRIS. Ini kelihatannya aneh tetapi anda harus melakukan hal itu. Berapa orang berkata bahwa indikator untuk hal ini adalah ketika Anda tidur dan bermimpi dalam bahasa Inggris. Pagi berikutnya ketika Anda bangun, cobalah ingat apakah tadi malam Anda bermimpi dalam bahasa Inggris (Dream in English).

3. Practice your English. Praktekkan bahasa Inggris Anda denga
n siapa saja. anda bisa mempraktek berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan teman, guru, tetangga, atau teman kerja.

4. Read in English. Jangan lupa untuk meluangkan waktu membaca cerpen, novel atau buku dalam Bahasa Inggris.

5. Write in English. Jika Anda serius dengan belajar. Mungkin Anda dapat mulai menulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Jika tidak yakin dengan ejaan bahasa Inggris tertentu lihatlah di kamus.
Belaja bahasa Inggris tidak akan berhasil hanya dalam satu malam saja. Ia membutuhkan kesabaran dan ketekunan. Jika belajar bahasa Inggris secara teratur, hari demi hari, bahasa Inggris Anda akan semakin baik. Semoga berhasil.

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

membuat koneksi SMARTFREN menjadi CEPAT

Jika anda memiliki modem smartfren, dan ingin mendapatkan koneksi internet cepat, kita bisa menggunakan DNS Server alternatif.

Berikut DNS yang bisa digunakan pada modem smart :
(1). Google Public DNS
a). Untuk Preferred DNS server isikan dengan DNS servers: ( tulis dengan )
b). Untuk Alternate DNS server isikan dengan DNS servers: ( tulis dengan ).

(2). OpenDNS
a). Untuk Preferred DNS server isikan dengan DNS servers: ( tulis dengan )
b). Untuk Alternate DNS server isikan dengan DNS servers: ( tulis dengan )

(3). Level 3
a). Untuk Preferred DNS server isikan dengan DNS servers: ( tulis dengan )
b). Untuk Alternate DNS server isikan dengan DNS servers: ( tulis dengan )

Buka tab setting pada user interface modem anda, dan masukkan salah satu settingan DNS di atas, mudah-mudahan bisa menbantu anda mendapatkan layanan internet cepat

Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

Teaching English by Using Song

You can Increase English Proficiency when you learn English songs. Whether you have a little son or daughter who is trying to learn a foreign language, or you are trying to learn one yourself, you should not underestimate the power of song! The use of music and rhythm is an ancient way to teach new languages and surprisingly enough, it is a good technique that can be integrated into today' lessons. You'll find that when you start singing songs in a language that is foreign to you that your ability to pronounce the words and put sentences and grammar together become much improved. Learning English and other languages through song can make the entire process significantly easier for you.!

Songs for little kids

Your child can learn English songs and he (she) is never too young to get started when it comes to learning a new language, and it will not surprise you to note that there are entire series of songs for little children who would like to teach another language. The Alphabet Song is a great one for younger children to start off with, especially if they've had some formal training, and I Can Sing a Rainbow and We're Going to the Zoo can engage any younger child. !

Easy Songs for children

you will find songs that are perfect for children who are just starting out in English. These are simple songs with easy to understand words, and there is no worry about running into homophones or confused meanings. The song Over the Mountains is a great one to visualize with your child, and you can have them draw pictures of the trains, cars and planes that are mentioned in the song. Similarly, you'll find that a song like the Tooth Family can help familiarize your child with translations of family descriptions, bringing the lesson home. .

Themed songs

When you are trying to teach your children English, be sure to head to themed songs You can learn English songs that are based on subject matter and level of difficulty and it is important to select songs that will suit your child's proficiency. The selection of a song that is too simple will bore them, and one that is too hard will frustrate them. No matter what your own English is like, take some time to sing along with them. Cooperative learning can do a lot to make a child aware of his or her education, so take advantage of this opportunity to learn along with your child.

Not easy songs

you'll be able to see that not all songs are easy ,and that some will be challenging even for older children. The Pirates Song is a great one for when your kids are going through that persistent pirate phase, and if you are looking for a song about animals and what they can do, see what kind of fascinating facts you can find in the catchy song, Record Breakers.

English songs with Arabic translation

There is a big gap between English and Arabic, especially when it comes to word choice and sentence structure, so head to several English songs with Arabic translation and see what you can find in terms of songs that have a good Arabic version. Have your child learn English songs and match the English words to their Arabic counterparts and you'll soon see a better degree of spoken language and listening comprehension.

Songs with texts

you can listen to the songs with reading the texts and learn about the word meanings, making this a excellent lessons for language beginners of all ages. You can also use the format used at this site to listen to specific lines over again until you and your child are sure you know what you are hearing. This is an invaluable tool while learning a new language.

When you are looking for a way to introduce a child to a language, why not do it through song? The rhythms and rhyme scheme all contribute towards getting your child to a place where he or she can feel and understand the language as much as listen to it. There are many different things you can, but this could be instrumental in getting your child up to early fluency! Let's enjoy this song...

How To Be A Good English Teacher?

I will ask you to try to remember all the teachers you have had, all of them, from kindergarten until university. Surely you have had that kind of teacher who just gave the number of the pages of the book that you had to copy on your notebook, probably you also remember that teacher who was a human encyclopedia, or that teacher who put everybody to sleep in every class with a boring monologue, or maybe you had that teacher who supported and advised you when you had a problem, now think which one of them is the best for a student, the teacher who transmitted you his knowledge or that one who advice you in your doubts and personal problems.
Now a days, being a good English teacher is a really challenge, because transmitting knowledge to students is not the only goal of a teacher, there are too many aspects and values that a teacher may encourage to students. Teacher profession is not like others such carpenter or mechanic, being teacher is more difficult because a teacher does not work with wood or cars, a teacher works with people.
This entire means that good teachers have to be those two kinds of teachers that I mentioned before: the human encyclopedia and that teacher who advices a student when he needs it, because a student will never learn if he is distracted thinking about some personal problem he has. That is why teachers have to try to help the students to solve their problems.
Obviously transmitting knowledge and ideas to students still being the main goal of a teacher, but he also has to work the psychological, psychical and social aspects, in order to make his students learn better. Good teachers know their students very well, and they know what kind of intelligence each one has in order to know which teaching method apply.

Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Improve your English via the Internet

Here are some tips to improving English both in how your learn and via the internet.

Remember that learning a language is a gradual process - it does not happen overnight.
Define your learning objectives early: What do you want to learn and why? - Take this quiz to find out what kind of English learner you are.
Make learning a habit. Try to learn something every day. It is much better to study (or read, or listen to English news, etc.) 10 minutes each day than to study for 2 hours once a week. - Take the English tip of the day newlsetter to help you.
Choose your materials well. You will need reading, grammar, writing, speaking and listening materials - Beginners can use this starting English guide, intermediate to advanced learners can use this continue learning English guide.
Vary your learning routine. It is best to do different things each day to help keep the various relationships between each area active. In other words, don't just study grammar.
Find friends to study and speak with. Learning English together can be very encouraging. - Soziety can help you find friends to speak English over the inernet.
Choose listening and reading materials that relate to what you are interested in. Being interested in the subject will make learning more enjoyable - thus more effective.
Relate grammar to practical usage. Grammar by itself does not help you USE the language. You should practice what you are learning by employing it actively.
Move your mouth! Understanding something doesn't mean the muscles of your mouth can produce the sounds. Practice speaking what you are learning aloud. It may seem strange, but it is very effective.
Be patient with yourself. Remember learning is a process - speaking a language well takes time. It is not a computer that is either on or off!
Communicate! There is nothing like communicating in English and being successful. Grammar exercises are good - having your friend on the other side of the world understand your email is fantastic!
Use the Internet. The Internet is the most exciting, unlimited English resource that anyone could imagine and it is right at your finger tips.
Be patient with yourself.
Practice, practice, practice

Kamis, 22 September 2011

how to increase your TOEFL score

To get a high TOEFL scores for most students and employees in Indonesia is very difficult. On average they are stuck in the range of scores of 450 and even though they have repeatedly followed the test predictions and perlatihan TOEFL scores are not rising. The need for a TOEFL score, especially in educational institutions and the private sector in Indonesia is increasing. Various universities who entered ranked Top 5 also requires students to pass the TOEFL test with a certain score and this also applies to those who want to enroll in college. Besides the professionals and employees who take courses from overseas package also requires a TOEFL score as one of the vital requirement. Then, how to have your TOEFL score go up? Follow these tips:
1. Learn English context, not only the vocabulary alone.
2. Understand that the TOEFL using different types of formal language of everyday language.
3. Master the 10 kinds of common mistakes in using standard English, eg:
- The harmony between subject, verb, and pronoun
- Grammar (note perwaktuan)
- Dangling modifier (modifier ambiguous, eg: "While running through the woods, the house Appeared Suddenly." The sentence above is grammatically implies that the house was the one who ran because the subject is not people!

There are still plenty of tips that you can get, in addition to grammatical problems also about your listening skills. Exemplified here, although we are not native English speakers are hard to follow an authentic accent, we still need to be able to understand the accent pronunciation of a vocabulary in a particular context so that when listening to conversations in the tapes, our ears are not misinterpreting the sound of the word.

Rabu, 21 September 2011

The Value of Learning English

Learning English is very important as it impacts your opportunities both personally and professionally. Because learning English expands your knowledge of culture and subjects, it increases your business and professional options as well as personal opportunities. Learning English provides insight into the culture, politics, business practices and new trends in the global community.

Personal Rewards

Learning English is interesting and challenging. The challenges include learning to think in new ways such as recognizing that the values you hold most dear may be different from the values other people hold. Learning to appreciate values other than your own is one of the most rewarding aspects of learning English because you gain a depth of understanding about yourself. Learning English is interesting because as you develop linguistic skills, you also meet new people who introduce you to different foods, movies, and entertainment.


Learning to read in English opens the door to many more resources than you would have access to in your native language alone. In addition to books, newspapers, and professional articles printed only in English, more than 80% of webpages on the internet are written in English. Reading a variety of resources provides a wider range of topics that you know about and a greater depth of knowledge. When you have access to this many additional resources, you gain an advantage over those with limited resources.


English is the official language in 52 countries and is the primary language in many small territories and colonies. It is estimated that nearly 1/3 of the world’s population speaks and understands English at least at a beginning-intermediate level. In addition, English is the de facto language of diplomacy. When you learn English, is the whole world becomes accessible to you. Whether you want to travel for pleasure or for professional opportunities, learning English enables you to travel more easily. The benefits of travel include giving you an edge in international affairs, in particular, in regards to business.


Just as English is the de facts language of diplomacy, it is also the de facto language of business. Being able to read, write, and communicate in English opens a flood-gate of opportunities in the business world. Companies need English competent employees to set up and run branch offices overseas, communicate with competitors in other countries, stay abreast of industry trends, and serve as translators, negotiators, liaisons, and consultants for the company both at home and abroad.

Broader Diversity

Learning English helps you to learn about different cultures and different people. As you broaden your own sense of diversity, you become more tolerant of differences among people. This increases negotiation and problem-solving skills which are beneficial both personally and professionally. In today’s global economy, having a broad sense of diversity is necessary for success both in your home country and abroad.

Overall Value

In a study done by Weber in which six different factors (number of primary speakers, secondary speakers, population of countries that use English, major fields using English internationally, economic power of English speaking countries and socio-literary prestige), English was determined to be the number one most influential language. Based on this information, the value of learning English is to be active and competitive in the global community.

Learning English

Learning a foreign language takes time and dedication. The reasons below may help to convince you to take the plunge, if such persuasion is needed. Some reasons are practical, some aspirational, some intellectual and others sentimental, but whatever your reasons, having a clear idea of why you're learning a language can help to motivate you in your studies.

Kolik jazyků znáš, tolikrát jsi člověkem.
You live a new life for every new language you speak.
If you know only one language, you live only once.
(Czech proverb)
When you move to a different country or region, learning the local language will help you to communicate and integrate with the local community. Even if many of the locals speak your language, for example if your L1 is English and you move to the Netherlands, it's still worth your while learning the local language. Doing so will demonstrate your interest in and commitment to the new country.

Family and friends
If your partner, in-laws, relatives or friends speak a different language, learning that language will help you to communicate with them. It will also give you a better understanding of their culture and way of thinking.

If your work involves regular contact with speakers of foreign languages, being able to talk to them in their own languages will help you to communicate with them. It may also help you to make sales and to negotiate and secure contracts. Knowledge of foreign languages may also increase your chances of finding a new job, getting a promotion or a transfer overseas, or of going on foreign business trips.

Many English-speaking business people don't bother to learn other languages because they believe that most of the people they do business with in foreign countries can speak English, and if they don't speak English, interpreters can be used. The lack of foreign language knowledge puts the English speakers at a disadvantage. In meetings, for example, the people on the other side can discuss things amongst themselves in their own language without the English speakers understanding, and using interpreters slows everything down. In any socialising after the meetings, the locals will probably feel more comfortable using their own language rather than English.

Study or research
You may find that information about subjects you're interested in is published mainly in a foreign language. Learning that language will give you access to the material and enable you to communicate with fellow students and researchers in the field.

Language is the archives of history.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Many English speakers seem to believe that wherever you go on holiday you can get by speaking English, so there's no point in learning any other languages. If people don't understand you all you have to do is speak slowly and turn up the volume. You can more or less get away with this, as long as you stick to popular tourist resorts and hotels where you can usually find someone who speaks English. However, if you want to venture beyond such places, to get to know the locals, to read signs, menus, etc, knowing the local language is necessary.

Americans who travel abroad for the first time are often shocked to discover that, despite all the progress that has been made in the last 30 years, many foreign people still speak in foreign languages.
(Dave Barry)

A basic ability in a foreign language will help you to 'get by', i.e. to order food and drink, find your way around, buy tickets, etc. If you have a more advanced knowledge of the language, you can have real conversations with the people you meet, which can be very interesting and will add a new dimension to your holiday.

Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt.
The limits of my language are the limits of my universe.
(Ludwig Wittgenstein)
Studying abroad
If you plan to study at a foreign university, college or school, you'll need a good knowledge of the local language, unless the course you want to study is taught through the medium of your L1. Your institution will probably provide preparatory courses to improve your language skills and continuing support throughout your main course.

Secret communication
If you and some of your relatives, friends or colleagues speak a language that few people understand, you can talk freely in public without fear of anyone eavesdropping, and/or you can keep any written material secret. Speakers of such Native American languages as Navajo, Choctaw and Cheyenne served as radio operators, know as Code Talkers, to keep communications secret during both World Wars. Welsh speakers played a similar role during the Bosnian War.

Required course
You may be required to study a particular language at school, college or university.

Getting in touch with your roots
If your family spoke a particular language in the past you might want to learn it and possibly teach it to your children. It could also be useful if you are research your family tree and some of the documents you find are written in a language foreign to you.

Revitalising or reviving your language
If you speak an endangered language, or your parents or grandparents do/did, learning that language and passing it on to your children could help to revitalise or revive it.

Maybe you're interested in the literature, poetry, films, TV programs, music or some other aspect of the culture of people who speak a particular language and want to learn their language in order to gain a better understanding of their culture.

Most people in the world are multilingual, and everybody could be; no one is rigorously excluded from another's language community except through lack of time and effort. Different languages protect and nourish the growth of different cultures, where different pathways of human knowledge can be discovered. They certainly make life richer for those who know more than one of them.
(Nicholas Ostler, Empires of the Word)
Missionaries and other religious types learn languages in order to spread their message. In fact, missionairies have played a major role in documenting languages and devising writing systems for many of them. Others learn the language(s) in which the scriptures/holy books of their religion were originally written to gain a better understanding of them. For example, Christians might learn Hebrew, Aramaic and Biblical Greek; Muslims might learn Classical Arabic, and Buddhists might learn Sanskrit.

Perhaps you enjoy the food and/or drink of a particular country or region and make regular trips there, or the recipe books you want to use are only available in a foreign language

Linguistic interest
Maybe you're interested in linguistic aspects of a particular language and decide to learn it in order to understand them better.

Challenging yourself
Maybe you enjoy the challenge of learning foreign languages or of learning a particularly difficult language.

Sounds/looks good to me
Perhaps you just like the sound of a particular language when it's spoken or sung. Or you find the written form of a language attractive. If you like singing, learning songs in other languages can be interesting, challenging and enjoyable.

One language is never enough!
If like me you're a bit of a linguaphile / glossophile / linguaholic or whatever you call someone who is fascinated by languages and enjoys learning them, then one language is never enough.

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.
If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
(Nelson Mandela)

Your reasons
If you have comments on the above or have other reasons for learning a foreign language, let me know.

To better understand our thought processes (from Judah Kay)
All of our thought processes are conducted in language, so really our entire existence or essense or soul, however we phrase it, is inextricably bound up to and with the languages we speak. Try to think without language for instance. However, we see that the language is in essence superficial, since many languages exist. To understand the true roots of our thought processes, the real nature of the human soul, a knowledge of several languages may be necessary.

To become someone else (from Janet Gil)
As a teen, I wished I were someone else. Learning Spanish let me be part of my best friend's family and have friends in college from South America whom I may not have met had I not had such an interest in learning Spanish. I liked myself with these other people more than I liked my American self (if that makes sense). I have known of people who learned another language at age 19 and above who now speak their second language almost without an accent but speak their first language with an accent!

To understand your own language and culture better (from Evona York)
Sometimes learning a foreign language helps you understand your own language and culture better through comparison, or through the relationship between the foreign language and your mother tongue. For instance, studying Latin in high school taught me an incredible amount of English, because English has so many words that come from the Latin. Same with Greek.

Wer fremde Sprachen nicht kennt, weiß nichts von seiner eigenen
Those who know no foreign language knows nothing of their mother tongue.
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
To keep your mind healthy (from Harvey Schmidt)
Learning a second language has been proven to delay the onset of dementia.

To find your future husband/wife (from Rico Suave)
Learning a new language and culture increases the size of your selection pool.

To better understand the rest of humankind (from Philip Lightfoot)
Language is an aspect of humanity, and learning what a fellow human speaks teaches you more about humankind as a whole. The more languages you know, the more you understand our species, and that is beneficial no matter what the situation is.

To talk to friends without others understanding (from Elizabeth)
If you and some of your friends learn a foreign language, you'll be able to talk to each other without other people having a clue what you're saying. This works best if you choose a language few people study, such as Japanese.

To learn songs in other languages (from Michelle Kelleher Tietz)
Michelle has been learning Irish and Scottish Gaelic because she likes to sing and has founded an a cappella group that sings in Celtic languages. They sing old work songs, lullabies, etc. This hobby combines her interests in languages, history and story telling.

To help people in need (from Nuntawun Yuntadilok)
Learning other languages increases our chances of providing help to people who seriously need it, such as those in hit by the tsunami of 2004, many of whom can not communicate in English, especially children.

Friendship (from Bill Conwell)
My best friend is French and speaks English, Spanish and some German as well. I am trying to learn French to enhance our communication, though he doesn't demand nor expect it.

Venting your feelings (from Dick H.)
Another reason why one might want to learn a foreign language is to insult/cuss out people without them understanding what you're saying. It works best if you choose a language few people study. Avoid the Big Two (Spanish and French), because too many of us learned them in high school. And you never know who has a German, Finnish, Italian, or Greek grandmother!

To help you understand how other people think (from Orionas)
Language influences culture, so learning a language helps you to understand how other people think, and it also helps you to get a general understanding of our world and the many people and cultures that inhabit it.

Because I love learning languages (from Cody Warren)
My reasons for learning foreign languages is because I just love to do it, it's all the different ways people express themself, and it shows that there really are other people out there (to a teenager who's always stuck at home in a small farm town). Its also a way to learn how people interact and socialize with each other, and how each society works.

Also, I like conlanging, and learning different languages help me to understand how things work so i can build conlangs, and vice versa, creating the conlangs help me to understand how all different languages grammars work (Im always a sucker for using a lot of moods, cases, tenses, etc).

Learning languages to me, is much more than making myself able to communicate with others. To me it's like getting some nice new surprise and a whole new level of understanding.

Showing respect (from Nicole Signer)
I believe that when somebody at least tries to learn the language of the country they are visiting it shows a lot of respect. People really appreciate it.

It's fun (from Shelley Khadem)
Learning a language is fun and can provide a shared interest with your husband or partner. It also satifies perpetual students' urge to study.

To express things that are difficult to express in your native language (from Tenacious Mel)
Learning a foreign language can provide you with ways to talk about things that might be difficult to express in your own language. It's also a way to get in touch with other selves.

To better understand your own language (from Kaiti)
In order to learn another language, you need to learn the different titles and functions of sentence parts. Learning these things can make you a better student and a more articulate person. Also, many of the root words used in foreign vocabulary will help you later on as you struggle to comprehend or analyze new words in your native language.

Understanding people (from Adam Briceland)
I believe a great reason to learn a foreign language such as Pacific island languages is so that you can understand what the native speakers are saying to each other when the'yre speaking their own language to each other. So you can s it there and not talk to them but completley understand what they're saying in public.

English Is Very Important

IF YOU are currently learning English in a school, college or institute of further education, you join approximately one billion other people around the world who are engaged in the same pursuit. However, as you try to memorise proper grammar, and try to avoid the mistakes common to most students of English, you may wonder why you are learning the language in the first place.
So, why is English important?
After Mandarin, English is spoken by more people than any other language, and is the native language of more than 350 million people. More people speak English than those who speak the Arabic and French languages combined.
Moreover, English is the international language of diplomacy, business, science, technology, banking, computing, medicine, aviation, UN & NATO armed forces, engineering, tourism, Hollywood films and arguably the best pop and rock music in the world.
English has plenty of words to choose from. In fact, an English speaker is offered the biggest vocabulary of any language with a choice of 500,000 to 1,000,000 words (including technical and scientific terms).
But don’t panic, most English speakers do very well with a vocabulary of around 20,000 words.
English can be fun too. For instance, the music of such stars as Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Michael Jackson and Madonna has encouraged fans to speak the language of their idols, whilst others have enrolled in English classes to improve their understanding of the dialogue in films and TV shows.
Or perhaps they have embraced English to enjoy the writing of Stephen King, George Orwell or J.K. Rowling. They may even have an interest in speaking English just to converse with travellers from other countries, who communicate by using the English global interlingua while travelling abroad.
Finally, if you are studying English at school, college or university, remember that getting an ‘A’ grade in English is almost worthless, in terms of communication, if you cannot speak the language. Spoken English is used in the best careers, the best universities, and is increasingly being used at job interviews. So like it or not, English is a very important language to learn how to speak.

Selasa, 20 September 2011


JEC adalah sebuah lembaga kursus lembaga kursus bahasa inggris yang berdiri sejak tahun 2010. dengan memfokuskan kepada tata bahasa dan conversation atau speaking menjadikan para alumninya siap berbahasa Inggris secara aktif baik lisan maupun tulisan

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